After survival, what
happens? Edward Said offers thoughts in a time of tragedy
Anyone with any connection at all to
Palestine is today in a state of stunned outrage and shock. While almost a
repeat of what happened in 1982, Israel's current all-out colonial assault on
the Palestinian people (with George Bush's astoundingly ignorant and grotesque
support) is indeed worse than Sharon's two previous mass forays in 1971 and
1982 against the Palestinian people. The political and moral climate today is a
good deal cruder and reductive, the media's destructive role (which has played
the part almost entirely of singling out Palestinian suicide attacks and
isolating them from their context in Israel's 35-year illegal occupation of the
Palestinian territories) greater in favouring the Israeli view of things, the
US's power more unchallenged, the war against terrorism has more completely
taken over the global agenda and, so far as the Arab environment is concerned,
there is greater incoherence and fragmentation than ever before.
homicidal instincts have been enhanced (if that's the right word) by all of the
above, and magnified to boot. This in effect means that he can do more damage
with more impunity than before, although he is also more deeply undermined than
before in all his efforts as well as in his entire career by the failure that
comes with single-minded negation and hate, which in the end nourish neither
political nor even military success. Conflicts between peoples such as this contain
more elements than can be eliminated by tanks and air power, and a war against
unarmed civilians -- no matter how many times Sharon lumberingly and mindlessly
trumpets his stupid mantras about terror -- can never bring a really lasting
political result of the sort his dreams tells him he can have. Palestinians
will not go away. Besides, Sharon will almost certainly end up disgraced and
rejected by his people. He has no plan, except to destroy everything about
Palestine and the Palestinians. Even in his enraged fixation on Arafat and
terror, he is failing to do much more than raise the man's prestige while
essentially drawing attention to the blind monomania of his own position.
the end he is Israel's problem to deal with. For us, our main consideration now
is morally to do everything in our power to make certain that despite the
enormous suffering and destruction imposed on us by a criminal war, we must go
on. When a renowned and respected retired politician like Zbigniew Brzezinski
says explicitly on national television that Israel has been behaving like the
white supremacist regime of apartheid South Africa, one can be certain that he
is not alone in this view, and that an increasing number of Americans and
others are slowly growing not only disenchanted but also disgusted with Israel
as a hugely expensive and draining ward of the United States, costing far too
much, increasing American isolation, and seriously damaging the country's
reputation with its allies and its citizens. The question is what, in this most
difficult of moments, can we rationally learn about the present crisis that we
need to include in our plans for the future?
I have to say now is highly selective, but it is the modest fruit of many years
working on behalf of the Palestinian cause as someone who is from both Arab and
Western worlds. I neither know nor can say everything, but here are some of the
handful of thoughts I can contribute at this very difficult hour. Each of the
four points that follow here is related to the other.
For better or for worse, Palestine is not just an Arab and Islamic cause, it is
important to many different, contradictory and yet intersecting worlds. To work
for Palestine is necessarily to be aware of these many dimensions and
constantly to educate oneself in them. For that we need a highly educated,
vigilant and sophisticated leadership and democratic support for it. Above all
we must, as Mandela never tired of saying about his struggle, be aware
that Palestine is one of the great moral causes of our time. Therefore, we need
to treat it as such. It's not a matter of trade, or bartering negotiations, or
making a career. It is a just cause which should allow Palestinians to capture
the high moral ground and keep it.
There are different kinds of power, military of course being the most obvious.
What has enabled Israel to do what it has been doing to the Palestinians for
the past 54 years is the result of a carefully and scientifically planned
campaign to validate Israeli actions and, simultaneously, devalue and efface
Palestinian actions. This is not just a matter of maintaining a powerful
military but of organising opinion, especially in the United States and Western
Europe, and is a power derived from slow, methodical work where Israel's
position is seen as one to be easily identified with, whereas the Palestinians
are thought of as Israel's enemies, hence repugnant, dangerous, against
"us." Since the end of the Cold War, Europe has faded into
near-insignificance so far as the organisation of opinion, images and thought
are concerned. America (outside of Palestine itself) is the main arena of
battle. We have simply never learned the importance of systematically
organising our political work in this country on a mass level, so that for
instance the average American will not immediately think of
"terrorism" when the word "Palestinian" is pronounced. That
kind of work quite literally protects whatever gains we might have made through
on-the-ground resistance to Israel's occupation.
has enabled Israel to deal with us with impunity, therefore, has been that we
are unprotected by any body of opinion that would deter Sharon from practicing
his war crimes and saying that what he has done is to fight terrorism. Given
the immense diffusionary, insistent, and repetitive power of the images
broadcast by CNN, for example, in which the phrase "suicide bomb" is
numbingly repeated a hundred times an hour for the American consumer and
tax-payer, it is the grossest negligence not to have had a team of people like Hanan
Ashrawi, Leila Shahid, Ghassan Khatib, Afif Safie -- to mention just a few --
sitting in Washington ready to go on CNN or any of the other channels just to
tell the Palestinian story, provide context and understanding, give us a moral
and narrative presence with positive, rather than merely negative, value. We
need a future leadership that understands this as one of the basic lessons of
modern politics in an age of electronic communication. Not to have understood
this is part of the tragedy of today.
There is simply no use operating politically and responsibly in a world
dominated by one superpower without a profound familiarity and knowledge of
that superpower -- America, its history, its institutions, its currents and
counter- currents, its politics and culture; and, above all, a perfect working
knowledge of its language. To hear our spokesmen, as well as the other Arabs,
saying the most ridiculous things about America, throwing themselves on its
mercy, cursing it in one breath, asking for its help in another, all in
miserably inadequate fractured English, shows a state of such primitive
incompetence as to make one cry. America is not monolithic. We have friends and
we have possible friends. We can cultivate, mobilise, and use our communities
and their affiliated communities here as an integral part of our politics of
liberation, just as the South Africans did, or as the Algerians did in France
during their struggle for liberation. Planning, discipline, coordination. We
have not at all understood the politics of non- violence. Moreover, neither
have we understood the power of trying to address Israelis directly, the way
the ANC addressed the white South Africans, as part of a politics of inclusion
and mutual respect. Coexistence is our answer to Israeli exclusivism and
belligerence. This is not conceding: it is creating solidarity, and therefore
isolating the exclusivists, the racists, the fundamentalists.
The most important lesson of all for us to understand about ourselves is
manifest in the terrible tragedies of what Israel is now doing in the occupied
territories. The fact is that we are a people and a society, and despite
Israel's ferocious attack against the PA, our society still functions. We are a
people because we have a functioning society which goes on -- and has gone on
for the past 54 years -- despite every sort of abuse, every cruel turn of
history, every misfortune we have suffered, every tragedy we have gone through
as a people. Our greatest victory over Israel is that people like Sharon and
his kind do not have the capacity to see that, and this is why they are doomed
despite their great power and their awful, inhuman cruelty. We have surmounted
the tragedies and memories of our past, whereas such Israelis as Sharon have
not. He will go to his grave only as an Arab-killer, and a failed politician
who brought more unrest and insecurity to his people. It must surely be the
legacy of a leader that he should leave something behind upon which future
generations will build. Sharon, Mofaz, and all the others associated with them
in this bullying, sadistic campaign of death and carnage will have left nothing
except gravestones. Negation breeds negation.
Palestinians, I think we can say that we left a vision and a society that has
survived every attempt to kill it. And that is something. It is for the
generation of my children and yours, to go on from there, critically,
rationally, with hope and forbearance.