Canadians for Equality and Peace for Palestinians
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Grassroots and Non-Profit

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.
- Edmund Burke

Where we came from

After the recent uprising in the occupied territories, a group of Canadians in Edmonton, Alberta who are anxious for a just and lasting peace in the middle east got together to do what we could as Canadian and global citizens to bring an end to the violence, injustice and misunderstandings that have plagued the region for the past 52 years.

Where we're going

Our goals are to network with like-minded organizations, locally, nationally and internationally to form a unified voice in support of the oppressed people in Palestine, and to provide a forum for those in Edmonton who want to get involved.

We aim to keep the attention of the Canadian public focused on the continuing struggle for justice in the region, to dispell misrepresentation of the Palestinians in the western media, and to raise funds for emergency health care and social programs in Palestine.

Our Mission

1) CEPPal builds local and international networks among like-minded people and groups which have as their aim the development of a culture of equality and peace in Palestine.

2) CEPPal challenges all biased, dehumanizing and deceptive portrayals of Palestinians and/or their resistance in the media and appreciates all accurate representations of the Palestinians and/or their struggle that appear in the same media.

3) CEPPal facilitates the development of a regime in Palestine that respects and promotes the human rights/security of all people.

4) CEPPal informs and educates the Canadian public as to the struggles of Palestinians.

5) CEPPal articulates an emancipatory vision for the future of Palestine that will allow the disempowered to free themselves from the bondage of occupation and suffering.

Our Vision for the Future

Canadians for Equality and Peace for Palestinians (CEPPal) demands equality among Palestinians and Israelis.

This equality is seen as a prerequisite for the building of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East premised on internationally recognized resolutions.

CEPPal promotes the intellectual and material advancement of Palestinians. This includes promoting improvements in the quality of life and standard of living of all Palestinians. CEPPal encourages Palestinian self-empowerment and self-emancipation. This includes supporting all non-violent attempts by Palestinians to end their oppression, dispossession and marginalization as well as all local and government initiatives which serve the same end.

CEPPal endeavors to never adopt a patronizing attitude toward Palestinians and recognizes that implicit in all of our statements and/or actions is the firm belief that Palestinian empowerment should be enjoyed equally regardless of location, religious affiliation, gender or class standing